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Appin Skiff Coastal Rowing ClubAppin Skiff Coastal Rowing Club


Not only can we finalise the purchase of our second skiff, but we now also have extra funds to cover insurance, maintenance and safety equipment.

A huge thank you to members and local businesses who donated and made this dream a reality! We're excited to see our two skiffs regularly out on the water, creating more opportunities for members to get involved and helping our community continue to thrive!

If you’d still like to donate, it’s not too late, as the donations will go towards the upgrades and maintenance of Living the Dream.

Appin Skiff gratefully acknowledges support from National Lottery Awards for All Scotland
Appin Skiff Coastal Rowing ClubAppin Skiff Coastal Rowing ClubAppin Skiff Coastal Rowing Club

We’re fundraising to buy a second skiff to join our original and well-used boat Nellie G, giving us the chance to bring coastal rowing to yet more people from Appin and beyond. Our target is £8000 to buy the pre-loved skiff and road trailer we have found.

Following a maritime tradition dating back centuries, we’re encouraging donations in sixty-fourths (1/64th). In our case that's £125 per sixty-fourth - although of course we’re happy to accept donations of any amount!

Donors have their name added to the Boathouse Donor’s Wall (if they wish), the opportunity to join us for a row and the heartfelt thanks from our growing club of coastal rowers.

1/64THS so far: 43

AMOUNT so far: £9556

Target: £8000


Donate now!

Donating a full sixty-fourth is £125; half sixty-fourths are £62.50, quarter sixty-fourths are £31.25. These or any other donation amounts are gratefully welcomed.

To become a donor, first fill in the form at this link (optional) to help us keep track.

Donate by bank transfer

Bank account Appin Skiff, account 5003 3932 at sort code 82-67-04.
Please use payment reference SKIFF2 followed by your surname.
Omit your surname if you wish to remain anonymous.

By cheque or cash

Place your donation in an envelope marked SKIFF2 followed by your surname, and give to a committee member (list of committee members here).


Thank you in advance for your help!


Can businesses sponsor the skiff?

Absolutely, we really appreciate the support of local businesses and organisations. Simply donate the amount of your choice, or get in touch at [email protected] if you would like to discuss your business sponsorship.

Will I own part of the boat?

Donating brings you the benefits listed above, but confers no rights of ownership - the new skiff will be owned by Appin Skiff. We would of course be delighted if you joined the Club as a member - full details on our home page.

When will the new boat arrive?

It's already here! A Club member has generously agreed to purchase the boat up front and is loaning the boat to the Club until we can raise the funds for the purchase.

Built in North Uist, the new boat is called Living the Dream and is in great condition, and will make a perfect companion to our own self-built Nellie G.